The latest from Take Care of Mom on all the important topics
Episode 1: The Leadership Journey
Welcome to the very first episode of the Leadership Parenting Podcast! Being a mom is unique calling- one that demands so much it can exhaust us and even threaten our individuality. It takes us to the deepest of lows and the height of joy. I know this because I...
Loving the Little Girl Within
Click here for a downloadable PDF version of my Loving the Little Girl Within exercise! Looking for a bit more? Dive even deeper into Self Compassion with The Resiliency System.
Take a Quick Self Care Quiz
Self Care is all about getting connected to your body and listening to what it needs! There are some basic building blocks of good self care, and once you know where you are winning and where you need to apply some extra attention, you will be well on your way to...
When You’re Stuck in a Negative Thought Cycle
Thoughts are powerful because they cause our feelings. But don’t let those thoughts intimidate you! The more you understand about how your thinking works, the more you will be able to disengage from negative thinking and feel better! The first thing you need to know...
Write your Inner Critic a Letter
We all have an inner critic. Her job is to notice all the times we make mistakes, fall short of our goals or even just fail to meet our own often unreasonable expectations. She is a creation of the survival portion of our brains, but she is going about her duty to...
5 steps to knowing how to use the power of “yes” to help you set healthy boundaries.
Owning your ability to say “yes” and “no” is one of the tasks of honoring healthy boundaries. But it can be hard sometimes to know which answer to give, especially when wanting to please the people we care about. In fact, it can almost feel easier to go either one way...
The Emotion-Body Connection Exercise
Self Awareness is all about getting connected to YOU. The more you are in tune with your thoughts and feelings, the more you can understand what is happening within and the better you can show up to support yourself. This exercise will help you to identify and manage...
The Building Blocks to Self Care- Movement
In a previous post, we talked all about what self-care is, why it matters, and how it can lay the foundation for other even more transformational changes in your life. Here we dig into the building blocks of self-care: Nutrition Sleep Movement (also known as...
The Building Blocks of Self Care: Sleep
In a previous post, we talked all about what self-care is, why it matters, and how it can lay the foundation for other even more transformational changes in your life. Here we dig into the building blocks of self-care: Nutrition Sleep Movement (also known...
How you think has the power to create your life!
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Sounds fancy and complicated but at the end of the day what CBT teaches is this—If you want different outcomes in your life, then think better! For years, the human mind has been a mystery. Anxiety,...
6 steps to create affirmations that will change your life
Every day, we’re bombarded by messages from others and even from the media. But the most powerful messages we hear every day, actually come from inside our own thinking. The internal dialogues that play in our head each day have the power to create our reality, from...
5 things you need to know about your negative thinking
“I’m a terrible mom. I can’t even get my kids to bed on time.” “Look at how much I weigh! I’ve never been so fat and I look so old!” “My life is just one hard thing after the other. I’m never going to be happy.” Ever had thoughts like these? Many of us struggle with...
Why knowing your history is the key
I remember a project one of my sons had in high school in which he had to draw out a long timeline and place dots at intervals representing significant events in his life. His birth, of course, and the milestones of first words and first steps were followed by other...
Your Inner Critic is Desperate to Protect You
Sometimes I get to the end of my day and I feel beat up, not physically, on the outside, but emotionally, on the inside. Inevitably when this happens, it’s because I’ve had a day where I feel like I’ve let people down. Maybe it’s my clients, or my children or my...
What motivates you more, fear or love?
Have you ever had something you know you need to do and just can't seem to make yourself do it? All of us struggle with something at some time. It could be eating healthy, exercising, studying, getting a project done, calling that friend you promised... no matter what...
In the battle for our hearts and minds, who will win?
If I had to come up with a strategy to break down the strength of women in this world, I wouldn’t need weapons, soldiers or battle plans. All I’d need to do is place women in our comparison driven and perfectionistic world and let them go to battle with themselves in...
4 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Marriage
As a therapist, I’ve seen marriages crumble. Certainly, some of those relationships started out rocky from the beginning, but many began with good foundations. How does a good relationship fall apart? It usually doesn’t happen overnight. Just like a boat drifts away...
Why you shouldn’t check your phone first thing in the morning
When the alarm goes off in the morning, what’s the first thing you do?If you’re like most Americans with a cell phone, the first thing you do in the morning is check your phone. It may be the texts that you check first or the emails, or maybe it’s the social media...
Are you a good parent to yourself?
Think for a moment about a good parent. A good parent knows how to nurture, praise and shower their child with unconditional acceptance and love. They take great care to make sure their kids are well-fed, make sure they get enough sleep and protect them from anything...
Two very important reasons you need to make sleep a priority.
“Let her sleep- for when she awakes, she will move mountains.” If there was a one size fits all recommendation I could give to all my clients, regardless of the reason they are seeking therapy, it would be to increase and improve their sleep. I truly believe a...

Episode 1: The Leadership Journey
Welcome to the very first episode of the Leadership Parenting Podcast! Being a mom is unique calling- one that demands so much it can exhaust us and even threaten our individuality. It takes us to the deepest of lows and the height of joy. I know this because I...

Loving the Little Girl Within
Click here for a downloadable PDF version of my Loving the Little Girl Within exercise! Looking for a bit more? Dive even deeper into Self Compassion with The Resiliency System.

Take a Quick Self Care Quiz
Self Care is all about getting connected to your body and listening to what it needs! There are some basic building blocks of good self care, and once you know where you are winning and where you need to apply some extra attention, you will be well on your way to...

When You’re Stuck in a Negative Thought Cycle
Thoughts are powerful because they cause our feelings. But don’t let those thoughts intimidate you! The more you understand about how your thinking works, the more you will be able to disengage from negative thinking and feel better! The first thing you need to know...

Write your Inner Critic a Letter
We all have an inner critic. Her job is to notice all the times we make mistakes, fall short of our goals or even just fail to meet our own often unreasonable expectations. She is a creation of the survival portion of our brains, but she is going about her duty to...

5 steps to knowing how to use the power of “yes” to help you set healthy boundaries.
Owning your ability to say “yes” and “no” is one of the tasks of honoring healthy boundaries. But it can be hard sometimes to know which answer to give, especially when wanting to please the people we care about. In fact, it can almost feel easier to go either one way...

The Emotion-Body Connection Exercise
Self Awareness is all about getting connected to YOU. The more you are in tune with your thoughts and feelings, the more you can understand what is happening within and the better you can show up to support yourself. This exercise will help you to identify and manage...

The Building Blocks to Self Care- Movement
In a previous post, we talked all about what self-care is, why it matters, and how it can lay the foundation for other even more transformational changes in your life. Here we dig into the building blocks of self-care: Nutrition Sleep Movement (also known as...

The Building Blocks of Self Care: Sleep
In a previous post, we talked all about what self-care is, why it matters, and how it can lay the foundation for other even more transformational changes in your life. Here we dig into the building blocks of self-care: Nutrition Sleep Movement (also known...

How you think has the power to create your life!
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Sounds fancy and complicated but at the end of the day what CBT teaches is this—If you want different outcomes in your life, then think better! For years, the human mind has been a mystery. Anxiety,...

6 steps to create affirmations that will change your life
Every day, we’re bombarded by messages from others and even from the media. But the most powerful messages we hear every day, actually come from inside our own thinking. The internal dialogues that play in our head each day have the power to create our reality, from...

5 things you need to know about your negative thinking
“I’m a terrible mom. I can’t even get my kids to bed on time.” “Look at how much I weigh! I’ve never been so fat and I look so old!” “My life is just one hard thing after the other. I’m never going to be happy.” Ever had thoughts like these? Many of us struggle with...

Why knowing your history is the key
I remember a project one of my sons had in high school in which he had to draw out a long timeline and place dots at intervals representing significant events in his life. His birth, of course, and the milestones of first words and first steps were followed by other...

Your Inner Critic is Desperate to Protect You
Sometimes I get to the end of my day and I feel beat up, not physically, on the outside, but emotionally, on the inside. Inevitably when this happens, it’s because I’ve had a day where I feel like I’ve let people down. Maybe it’s my clients, or my children or my...

What motivates you more, fear or love?
Have you ever had something you know you need to do and just can't seem to make yourself do it? All of us struggle with something at some time. It could be eating healthy, exercising, studying, getting a project done, calling that friend you promised... no matter what...

In the battle for our hearts and minds, who will win?
If I had to come up with a strategy to break down the strength of women in this world, I wouldn’t need weapons, soldiers or battle plans. All I’d need to do is place women in our comparison driven and perfectionistic world and let them go to battle with themselves in...

4 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Marriage
As a therapist, I’ve seen marriages crumble. Certainly, some of those relationships started out rocky from the beginning, but many began with good foundations. How does a good relationship fall apart? It usually doesn’t happen overnight. Just like a boat drifts away...

Why you shouldn’t check your phone first thing in the morning
When the alarm goes off in the morning, what’s the first thing you do?If you’re like most Americans with a cell phone, the first thing you do in the morning is check your phone. It may be the texts that you check first or the emails, or maybe it’s the social media...

Are you a good parent to yourself?
Think for a moment about a good parent. A good parent knows how to nurture, praise and shower their child with unconditional acceptance and love. They take great care to make sure their kids are well-fed, make sure they get enough sleep and protect them from anything...

Two very important reasons you need to make sleep a priority.
“Let her sleep- for when she awakes, she will move mountains.” If there was a one size fits all recommendation I could give to all my clients, regardless of the reason they are seeking therapy, it would be to increase and improve their sleep. I truly believe a...