
The latest from Take Care of Mom on all the important topics

Episode 53: Why You Want a Value-Driven Life

Episode 53: Why You Want a Value-Driven Life

Every day, we have to handle our feelings while trying to do the things that  are most important to us. I call this being emotional driven or value driven- and it actually matters which way we decide to go.  Do we prioritize values or emotions?  This choice is...

Episode 51: The Dark Side of Empathy

Episode 51: The Dark Side of Empathy

Empathy has the power to help us understand, connect, and feel some of the emotions that other people are feeling around us. This is a great skill to have, but it also has a little bit of a dark side. Today, we're talking about how we can use empathy in a way that...

Episode 50: The Power of Empathy

Episode 50: The Power of Empathy

The art of empathy is more than just a concept; it's a practice that, when applied to our relationships, can transform the way we support our loved ones. We discuss the four attributes of empathy and how to implement them, particularly in moments of distress, whether...

Episode 47: Being Respectful to Our Children

Episode 47: Being Respectful to Our Children

Have you ever stopped to consider how your casual remarks could sculpt your child's self-image? In to days episode we explore  how our words, especially those spoken within earshot of our little ones, can leave an indelible mark on their developing sense of self. ...

Episode 46: Handling Disrespectful Behavior

Episode 46: Handling Disrespectful Behavior

Have you ever stood in the chaos of a store aisle, grappling with your child's melting down, feeling the weight of judging eyes on you? Handling disrespect without losing our cool is a universal parenting challenge. In today’s episode we’re talking about why our kids...

Episode 45: Why You Need to Move Your Body

Episode 45: Why You Need to Move Your Body

If I told you I had the magic pill to help you sleep better, hurt less, have more energy, and protect your brain- would you be interested? Well, today, I’m going to give the prescription to get this magical cure for almost everything that ails you.   I'll share...

Episode 44: How to Love Yourself More

Episode 44: How to Love Yourself More

You know what the perfect Valentine is that every person is just dying to receive?  It's an “I love you, from ME to ME.”  Wait, did you think I was going to say “ I love you from YOU to ME?” Well, in today’s podcast episode, we're talking about the gift of love that...

Episode 43: Feel Better with Self Awareness

Episode 43: Feel Better with Self Awareness

In this episode we look at the magic of self-awareness. Even top business leaders are putting a spotlight on self-awareness these days, and we should too as parents. We chat about understanding our own feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, observing them without...

Episode 42: 5 Things Resilient Moms Do

Episode 42: 5 Things Resilient Moms Do

What does it take to be a resilient mom?  This was a question a woman asked me not long ago as we sat together on an airplane flight. The answer is a beautiful overview of what we are doing here as we study resilience together. In this episode, I unfold the five core...

Episode 41: How Food Can Help You Feel Better

Episode 41: How Food Can Help You Feel Better

Ever wonder why a plate full of vibrant veggies can make you feel like a superhero, while a sugar-laden snack leaves you crashing faster than a toddler’s temper tantrum? As a therapist and mom, I've seen firsthand how the dinner table can become a powerful tool for...

Episode 39: How To Set Goals You Can Achieve

Episode 39: How To Set Goals You Can Achieve

Have you ever set a New Year's resolution, only to drop it in just a few weeks? If you have, you're not alone. Today we're talking about setting goals that we care about and that we can reach. We peel back the layers of motivation and look at how shifting our drive...

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I've noticed some new faces here and thought I'd say hello and tell you all a little about me and why I'm here!I've been a licensed clinical therapist for over 30 years. I'm trained to help and support women in postpartum, to treat anxiety and depression and to strengthen and heal relationships. I'm passionate about helping women be well and strong and resilient! I'm also a wife and mother of 5 children and our family is ever growing! Our newest addition is little miss Lucy, born just this week! (And I have been in heaven!! 🤗♥️)My daughters and daughters-in-law, these mamas...and these beautiful little girls, they are why I do what I do! Because as women, we are leaders to our families. I believe each one of us is whole, valuable, and wise. I know you can learn how to work with your mind and your body to feel strong and be resilient.I've got a podcast called 🔆 Leadership Parenting where I share concepts that can help you on your journey to becoming resilient! You can find me anywhere you listen to podcasts!Or You can head over to to listen and learn more about resilience! (Link in my bio!)I'd love to hear a little about you! Say hello in the comments! ... See MoreSee Less
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‼️BABY WATCH‼️My baby girl is having a baby girl! We are officially overdue 😲 We've been to the beach, long walks in nature, organized every closet and every drawer and watched a few chick flicks that made us laugh. What did you do when you were waiting for your little one to come? We'd love more ideas! ... See MoreSee Less
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My new podcast episode today discusses how to CONNECT with your kids -- tune in and let me know what you think!Apple: ... See MoreSee Less
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Episode 53: Why You Want a Value-Driven Life

Episode 53: Why You Want a Value-Driven Life

Every day, we have to handle our feelings while trying to do the things that  are most important to us. I call this being emotional driven or value driven- and it actually matters which way we decide to go.  Do we prioritize values or emotions?  This choice is...

Episode 51: The Dark Side of Empathy

Episode 51: The Dark Side of Empathy

Empathy has the power to help us understand, connect, and feel some of the emotions that other people are feeling around us. This is a great skill to have, but it also has a little bit of a dark side. Today, we're talking about how we can use empathy in a way that...

Episode 50: The Power of Empathy

Episode 50: The Power of Empathy

The art of empathy is more than just a concept; it's a practice that, when applied to our relationships, can transform the way we support our loved ones. We discuss the four attributes of empathy and how to implement them, particularly in moments of distress, whether...

Episode 47: Being Respectful to Our Children

Episode 47: Being Respectful to Our Children

Have you ever stopped to consider how your casual remarks could sculpt your child's self-image? In to days episode we explore  how our words, especially those spoken within earshot of our little ones, can leave an indelible mark on their developing sense of self. ...

Episode 46: Handling Disrespectful Behavior

Episode 46: Handling Disrespectful Behavior

Have you ever stood in the chaos of a store aisle, grappling with your child's melting down, feeling the weight of judging eyes on you? Handling disrespect without losing our cool is a universal parenting challenge. In today’s episode we’re talking about why our kids...

Episode 45: Why You Need to Move Your Body

Episode 45: Why You Need to Move Your Body

If I told you I had the magic pill to help you sleep better, hurt less, have more energy, and protect your brain- would you be interested? Well, today, I’m going to give the prescription to get this magical cure for almost everything that ails you.   I'll share...

Episode 44: How to Love Yourself More

Episode 44: How to Love Yourself More

You know what the perfect Valentine is that every person is just dying to receive?  It's an “I love you, from ME to ME.”  Wait, did you think I was going to say “ I love you from YOU to ME?” Well, in today’s podcast episode, we're talking about the gift of love that...

Episode 43: Feel Better with Self Awareness

Episode 43: Feel Better with Self Awareness

In this episode we look at the magic of self-awareness. Even top business leaders are putting a spotlight on self-awareness these days, and we should too as parents. We chat about understanding our own feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, observing them without...

Episode 42: 5 Things Resilient Moms Do

Episode 42: 5 Things Resilient Moms Do

What does it take to be a resilient mom?  This was a question a woman asked me not long ago as we sat together on an airplane flight. The answer is a beautiful overview of what we are doing here as we study resilience together. In this episode, I unfold the five core...

Episode 41: How Food Can Help You Feel Better

Episode 41: How Food Can Help You Feel Better

Ever wonder why a plate full of vibrant veggies can make you feel like a superhero, while a sugar-laden snack leaves you crashing faster than a toddler’s temper tantrum? As a therapist and mom, I've seen firsthand how the dinner table can become a powerful tool for...

Episode 39: How To Set Goals You Can Achieve

Episode 39: How To Set Goals You Can Achieve

Have you ever set a New Year's resolution, only to drop it in just a few weeks? If you have, you're not alone. Today we're talking about setting goals that we care about and that we can reach. We peel back the layers of motivation and look at how shifting our drive...

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