Episode 54: Q&A with Leigh — How to Handle Frustration

Ever found yourself in the throes of frustration, fists clenched, and patience worn thin? We’ve all been there, and in this episode, I pull back the curtain on the elusive art of frustration tolerance. It’s not just about biting your tongue or counting to ten; it’s a journey through the emotional wilderness that teaches us resilience, patience, and adaptability.

Patience isn’t just a virtue—it’s a skill, and one that’s particularly tested in the realm of parenting.

In this episode, we tackle the herculean task of aligning our expectations with the ever-changing developmental stages of our children. By planning for those car seat battles or the painstakingly slow shoe-tying sessions, we’re not just teaching our kids; we’re learning patience ourselves. 

By challenging our assumptions and working with our expectations, we can model better behavior for our children, making for a more resilient and joyful experience in our families.


What you will learn on this episode:

– The difference between low and high frustration tolerance 

– The role of expectations in experiencing frustration and how to align them with reality 

– Signs of low frustration tolerance 

– Strategies to increase frustration tolerance and improve family dynamics 

– Techniques for managing frustration

– The value of intentional patience and building resilience in parenting 

– Tips for calming the body and mind 




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Today we’re answering the question why do I get so frustrated and what can I do about it? This is Leadership Parenting, episode number 54, how to deal with frustration. Did you know that resilience is the key to confidence and joy? As moms, it’s what we want for our kids, but it’s also what we need for ourselves. My name is Leighman, I’m a therapist and I’m a mom. Join me as we explore the skills you need to know to be confident and joyful. Then get ready to teach these skills to your kids. This is Leadership Parenting, where you learn how to lead your family by showing them the way. Lead your family by showing them the way. Hey there, and welcome back to Leadership Parenting. 


Today we have another question about frustration tolerance. We referred to it a couple of episodes ago, when we were talking about training and staying in the window of tolerance, and so here is one of the questions about that. I think I really need to learn how to tolerate frustration. I tend to get upset really easily and then I lose my temper. My sister is exactly the opposite. She seems to have no problem staying calm. My kids also really struggle with it too, and I don’t like being this way. Can you explain more about what frustration tolerance is and what to do to feel better. Well, yes, this is a really great question and I know I alluded to the concept before in a previous episode and it can be hard to kind of understand it just from a little bit of information. So today let’s look specifically at frustration and that concept of how to tolerate that, how to be frustrated and how to handle it. 


So frustration tolerance is really about our capacity, the ability that we have to handle the hard things that happen to us in life, that ability or that capacity to cope with and manage those feelings that come up when we’re annoyed or disappointed or if we’re faced with some kind of challenging situation. Like, can you be composed and patient enough to act in the way that you want to and kind of show up how you want, as opposed to losing it and get angry or getting just really kind of overwhelmed and hopeless and super sad? So frustration tolerance is an emotional regulation skill, which what I just described were those big emotions that are really hard to have and how we’re able to regulate them, meaning that we can handle them. So if you have low frustration tolerance, then you might be more easily bothered or upset by everyday stressors, you may struggle to regulate those emotions effectively and get overwhelmed or discouraged by you know, big things for sure, but even smaller, or you know kind of inconveniences, small setbacks. So if you have a high tolerance, frustration tolerance, then you’re going to be more able to calmly handle things that don’t go as planned and navigate through those challenging situations with more ease and show more patience, more adaptability and then eventually get to more problem solving. 


So I often think of frustration tolerance when we’re talking about being patient. I often think of frustration tolerance when we’re talking about being patient, and I think that’s such a high expectation we have, right, like we all really admire that patient mom, that one that’s just not ruffled and she just kind of holds it together and she just seems calm and at ease. And I think what we’re trying to put words around, that is, she’s able to tolerate the things in her life that are frustrating. So I think it can be easy to look at a situation, look at a person that is really good at managing all of this, and we say, oh my gosh, they are so patient. And sometimes it kind of can feel like, well, they’re not dealing with the same kind of stuff we’re dealing with, or they just have this superpower ability to not be ruffled. I think what we’re really talking about there is admiring someone who’s got a bigger ability to tolerate these hard things, because I haven’t met anybody that doesn’t have frustration in their life, doesn’t have hard things happen to them, and so, instead of it being you either have this ability or you don’t, or you have a life that is kind of charmed and gifted and you just don’t have hard things, and I just I don’t think that’s helpful for us, because I also don’t think it’s really true at all. So another way that we can look at this is you know, all of us are going to have distress in our lives, and can we find a way to tolerate that distress, deal with that distress so that we can manage it and kind of come through it in the way that we want to? That’s what we’re admiring. 


When we look at a mom that we say is so patient, or somebody is so, so patient, when we look at a mom that we say is so patient or somebody is so, so patient, and I like to be able to talk about it as distress tolerance instead of just this like label of like you got it and you’re the lucky one, because I think when you look at it as distress tolerance, it gives us a peek into what’s happening inside our brains when we have frustration, because when that’s happening, we’re having an expectation of something and it’s somehow not getting met, and that’s what frustration is. And then we have to handle it. And we either handle it well we stay calm and work with ourselves and deal with that in a way that’s good for us and everyone around us right, we keep our cool and our higher brain kind of gets to make the decisions so that we feel good about how we’ve responded or we don’t handle it well, meaning we lose our cool. And this is what we’re talking about when we say we have a low frustration tolerance. We might yell, get critical, blame other people or even just give up, like just have a hard time finishing things, because the frustration just gets too big. And this causes a lot of problems for us in our goals, especially because something can be just feel so overwhelming and be like I just give up, I can’t do this or in our relationships, because not only can we feel like we’re going to give up on our relationship because we get so frustrated, but also with other people we can get really critical and demanding and then, when we get frustrated with them, maybe withdraw from them. And that’s a big problem in our marriages, I think, and with our parenting, with our kids. So let’s talk a little bit more about frustration. 


Frustration itself is an emotion that’s characterized by feelings of annoyance, disappointment or dissatisfaction where our expectations are somehow not met. And on our big emotions wheel it shows you all the different kinds of emotions that are available for us to feel and I’ll put one of those in the show notes. It’s been there before but you can go back and take a peek at that. Frustration on that emotion wheel is listed in the anger category. It’s kind of like an anger continuum where there can be a little annoyance or irritation. Or at the other end of the anger continuum we might have like full out rage or just absolute hot anger. 


I also see frustration showing up on the sadness part of that emotional wheel, because sometimes when we get frustrated we can feel hopeless, right, and start to feel really sad. And we can see this. Both of these kinds of emotions show up in our kids, like if you’ve ever watched your children maybe work on a puzzle or a model or a Lego set and they can’t get the pieces to fit together. And you can see them have some really big feelings come up, either something in the anger category where they get tense or get really mad and maybe throw the piece down. And you can also see them go into kind of a sadness mode right when they just let the piece drop and shrug their shoulders and shake their head and kind of give up. And both of these responses can come from feeling frustrated and not knowing how to handle it or at least handle it in a way that kind of moves us forward, that we want to go in the direction of. 


And I always want to clarify this, because when your child’s throwing the puzzle piece or withdrawing, kind of shutting down, this is them handling frustration. And we usually say they’re not handling frustration and that’s not quite correct. What we mean is that they’re not handling it in a way that really works for them in their life or works for us how they’re handling it, something that doesn’t maybe align with our values or, you know, kind of protects the relationship and helps them progress. So when we see kids giving up at their homework, this is a big one when you’ve got kids that are challenged by the homework and they start to feel that frustration and you know, I can remember, you know, working with kids who would break pencils or rip up their papers or, you know, take a project that they’ve spent hours on and, because they can’t quite get the last pieces of it to work together, even destroy their project. Hours gone and their parents so distraught because they’re watching their kids, you know, have this thing happen. That is not working for them. It’s causing them more problems, right, it’s making the frustration that they’re feeling turns into something even bigger that they have to deal with. So the only reason why I kind of want to mention this part is because I think it helps us to be a little more understanding or compassionate with our kids. When we’re watching them with frustration, because I don’t know about you, but when I see my kids struggling with frustration and doing things that I think is making it worse, I get frustrated and I can get frustrated with them, and then I can get frustrated with myself Like gosh, how come I can’t teach them how to do this better? So, as we answer this question, the mom alluded mostly to frustration, intolerance that she has, but she also mentioned her kids struggle with it too, and I think that if we look at our families, we’ll find that this is the case. 


We all have different levels of being able to handle our frustration, and people talk about this. Like you either have low frustration tolerance or you don’t, which means you know, I can handle things or I can’t. And I don’t think it’s reasonable for us to label it that black or white, because I think our ability to deal with being frustrated shows up more in a continuum. Sometimes in our life, like especially when we’re really young like think of your toddlers we have very low frustration tolerance, and maybe also as teens and maybe when we’re under a lot of stress as adults. So, rather than labeling ourselves as having either, you know, a good ability to cope with frustration or not, I think it’s more realistic to realize that we all have times when we struggle with being able to handle frustration, and can we start to be more aware of that that’s the goal and work with that so that we have fewer times when we’re losing it and more times when we can keep it together and show up the way we want to. Okay, so how do you know when you’re having low frustration, tolerance. 


Think about the last time you had difficulty dealing with frustration for something that didn’t match your expectations. I had an experience just a couple of weeks ago. I was making a dessert for some guests that were coming over and, for whatever reason, the cake didn’t rise properly. It was a sheet cake, so it was like in a jelly pan jelly roll pan and it came out all bumpy. And then when I went to make the icing, it was like a chocolate ganache and I had to do it on the stove and all the butter separated and it didn’t mix well with the sugar and I had this uneven cake with absolutely inedible frosting. 


And people were literally coming up the walk to my front door and before they rang the doorbell I was so frustrated and got like this absolute blow up feeling inside and I took the whole thing and I just dumped it in the garbage. It was like a grown-up frustrated temper tantrum and my husband was kind of looking at me with that like whoa, are you okay? And I literally felt like this. I was not on the sad continuum, let’s just say that. I just felt so angry. My expectation of what that was supposed to look like was just not being met and the stars aligned or maybe didn’t align for me, which meant I had so much on my plate in that moment and I kind of lost it. 



And this doesn’t happen to me often now in my life because I’ve trained for a really long time to widen my window of tolerance Remember, we’ve talked in previous episode about our window of tolerance, that ability that we have to handle things that come our way and I’ve tried really hard to grow my flexibility to stretch my expectations and work with them when I hit these frustrations. But for whatever reason, bam, that day I was kind of losing it. And I share that with you because I think even when we train at this, we are all going to hit those moments when we do not tolerate our frustration very well. So it can happen once in a while and when it does, I want you to count yourself human and not worry about it, not take it as some terrible character flaw. Just learn from it, be compassionate and make space to give yourself a break. And if you find that it happens to you a lot more than just once in a while, then we can untangle the reasons why and also start to train you in your skillset to help your window of tolerance expand so you can work better with that frustration, so you can tolerate it better. 



You will know when you or your kids or someone you love is having low frustration tolerance when there are these kinds of things happening. One anger outbursts like throwing a cake into the garbage, outbursts that maybe it’s yelling, maybe it’s saying a swear word. If you ever see your children maybe say bad words that you don’t want them to say, my guess is it’s because they just didn’t have the ability in that moment to tolerate that frustration. Maybe it’s impatience when we’re waiting in line or dealing with traffic or during conversations, like getting easily irritated or restless when things are taking longer than we expect. Another one might be when we’re avoiding difficult situations. 



Sometimes, when I have something that I think is going to really challenge me and cause me a lot of frustration, I will avoid it and procrastinate doing it or make an excuse for not doing it. So a lot of times when your children are avoiding their schoolwork, avoiding, maybe, tasks that you’ve given them around the house, the first thing I always want you to check is does this feel too big for them to be able to handle? When kids are not wanting to do their homework. Sometimes it’s because they’re sitting down and they are so darn frustrated they don’t know how to handle it. So you’ll see them procrastinate it or avoid it, and I think it’s such a great clue for us to look at and understand why our kids might be doing something, so that we can better know how to approach it. 



Another thing would be noticing that you have self-talk in your head. That’s very negative, where we’re highly critical, and when this happens, you know where you’re starting to see where that expectation is. Dang it. I shouldn’t have done this. I should be able to do this better. You’ll notice that maybe that’s where the frustration, intolerance, is showing up. And also this could show up in your body, like having headaches or tummy aches, you know, digestive problems. 



Even things like panic attacks can come when we perceive that this is just way too frustrating for us. Our expectations are not being met and we don’t know how to handle it. So I don’t know about you, but I have all of these things happen to me sometimes. I think we all do, and I know for sure that I live with people who do have this happen to them. Especially our little kids have this happen, and our teens and our college students and our adult kids. And well, you get the picture. I think it’s important for us to just kind of de-villainize it and let’s take a look at it and see what we can do about it. 



So you know, one of the questions I get is well, why are some people struggling with this more than others? Like, what determines how well we handle frustration? And I think there’s a couple of theories out there. One of them is that our personality kind of sets us up. Them is that our personality kind of sets us up to be more naturally patient or a little bit less naturally patient, which means you might have been born with a tendency toward flexibility or patience in tolerating the kinds of things that don’t go your way. And I know people who just seem to have this big well of patience big bucket, make it look so easy. And you may know someone like this too. I think especially of one of my children’s kindergarten teachers who was every day in the midst of kindergarten chaos, every single day, and she just did not get ruffled even when things didn’t go well. She just kind of rolled with things, and I think it was really built into her personality. She was kind of made to be a kindergarten teacher, right? So having a personality that kind of sets you up this way is one theory. And you may look at your kids and start to kind of see this child seems to roll with things much easier than this other child. 



Big important thing to remember with this, and noticing it for yourself too, right, you might just naturally have a capacity to kind of stay calm and you also might not have been gifted so much with that naturally. Here’s what I want us to remember. That’s not good or bad, that’s just a natural tendency that we have. We all have these strengths and we all have these things that are not as strong. And so, looking at that theory of perhaps we’re just kind of built with this ability, that’s one of the things that impacts it. 



Another theory around why we get frustrated really easy and have a hard time tolerating it, is that basically just the way we’re thinking, our expectations, the thoughts, the kinds of beliefs we have. If I’m thinking this should be easy for me, this is just a cake I’ve made a hundred times. Why isn’t this working? Or my kids should just know how to do this by now. When we’re having thoughts like that, we’re literally setting up the situation to be frustrated. 



That sweet kindergarten teacher that we had in our family walked in every day saying things like these are just little people, they’re just barely out of diapers actually. I remember her saying that once oh my gosh, they were just babies, and she would call them her babies, sometimes not to their face, because kindergartners don’t like to be called babies, but she would say to me oh, I love my babies. And that meant she was able to expect that there’s going to be wiggly bodies, children not listening because they don’t know how, yet kids that are wetting their pants, crying for no reason. Her expectations were set at the level of the children’s abilities, so she was rarely surprised, and because of that she was frustrated far less when I worked with anger management clients, especially back in the days when I was working with men who were coming because they were mandated by court, because their anger had gotten them into some kind of legal trouble, which meant they were acting out on their anger in a way that was not healthy or safe, and we would always talk about the core of that anger really came down to what was going on in their reality, you know, coming home to a house of chaos or kids running through the house instead of walking quietly through the house didn’t match their expectations, and one of our first tasks was to help them see those expectations as something that they could work with, because our anger comes from expectations that are not met, and when we can start to work with that, we start to have power over how we deal with frustration. 



Sometimes we can even make frustration go completely away. So my expectation about the cake was that it had to be beautiful enough to present to my guests. If it was just too for my husband and me, I wouldn’t have cared. That it was lumpy it still tasted great but I had an expectation that it needed to be beautiful and that it shouldn’t have been uneven. And I remember thinking this is the last thing I need right now. Have you ever had that thought? This is it, this is the last thing I can’t deal with anymore. 



That means we’re kind of out of our window of tolerance, and you can hear it in our thinking, in our language. What we think causes feelings inside of us, and so when you have an expectation that isn’t being met, we are going to have thoughts about that and we want to work with those thoughts so we can be more flexible rather than rigid, more tolerant rather than intolerant. This is part of our resilience training to literally train to be able to tolerate frustration better, and we use that flexibility, which is the word that we use, to work with our thinking. So, even if I’m not naturally good at it like in the personality theory that I was just born lucky with all this patience I may have to train a little more at this work and practice a little harder than the next person, but that’s okay, because I have strengths that other people don’t have, and we’re not comparing. This isn’t a race. This is about how do we get what we need to be successful and thrive in our lives, and as adults, especially as parents, we are called upon to live with a lot of frustration, aren’t we? Because if you have little children, you’re going to experience a lot of challenges, a lot of unmet expectations, a lot of tantrums, crying, hitting siblings for no real reason. 



When we have low frustration tolerance, we can get frustrated at even small stuff the way kids sit at a table, or whether they take their shoes off and put them where they belong, or if they keep waking up at night, or any number of things. So when we talk about managing our frustration, let’s not vilify it. We’re all going to be dealing with it and fortunately, there’s some things we can do to improve our ability to cope with frustration. Let’s go through that list real quick. First, I think we need to understand what is happening, and that has been the purpose so far of our conversation today. So okay, number two, let’s be mindful of why we’re getting frustrated. We’ve got some interesting studies on mindfulness exercises on helping us tolerate frustration and distress, and what they’re finding is that mindfulness increases our tolerance to frustration because we’re looking at accepting it and not judging it, and that non-judgmental part is really important. 



Just noticing that you’re feeling upset and, instead of reacting externally right away, you’re going inward, observing your thoughts and feelings. And I know this is hard right, because all of us, when we have that kind of frustration, we just want to act it out. That’s what our nervous system is telling us to do. Just kind of go into that fight or flight and throw the cake away, yell, break the pencil, walk out of the room. But we have to learn to calm our bodies first before we act, so we can be more purposeful in how we’re going to act and our kids are watching us. They’re also really, you know, for better or worse, they are learning by watching us how we manage our own frustration. So we want to calm our bodies down so we can model that to them. So one way you can do that deep breathing you can do that in the moment if you’re not too frustrated. 



Sometimes you know what’s really helpful is to take a giant step back. And we talk about taking a step back because sometimes in our frustration, what we want to do is lash out and move forward and in anger or in that frustration, and so sometimes, when you can just start to train yourself to take a step back, and in that step back what you’re saying is I’m going to get some distance from this and, if I can, I’m going to find a way to calm my body down, and breathing is a great way to do that. Sometimes, when the frustration is super intense, we have to step outside for a minute or get a drink of water or change our position. If we’re standing up, we go to sit down. If we’re sitting down, we stand up, doing something that gives us just a little space in between our reaction to calm our bodies down a little bit. Number three, then we want to identify the things that triggered our frustration. So what events, even kind of from a theme in your life, what events tend to trigger that frustration or irritation for you? Is it traffic? Is it long lines? Is it criticism or perceiving criticism? Is it kids not doing what you asked them to do? 



A great exercise is to take a notebook and write down how you feel or how you felt. You might have to do this as you’re thinking back on it how you felt when you got really frustrated and how you reacted. And once again, we’re not doing this to beat you up or to have you feel bad. We’re doing this out of curiosity. You’re becoming a detective so you can start to see what are the things that kind of get me, what are my get me points right and reflect on these, look for patterns, look for situations that maybe ah, I see what triggered that. And once you understand it better, then you’re going to know how to prepare for it. Right, maybe there’s some things that you can do to address it before it happens. This is part of training to manage your ability to show up and handle it better. 



Okay, number four, once you kind of know what the situation is that triggers it. You’re going to look at what your thoughts are around that. It might be an event that you can pinpoint, but you know, like that we wrote down is the trigger. But remember, events don’t cause us to feel certain ways. It’s how we think about the events. No-transcript. So what we want to do is try to challenge some of those negative thoughts or assumptions, really ask ourselves is this the perspective that really works for me? So this would be, I guess, number five, and I think that you know, if you’ve jotted down what the triggers are, the things that happened that caused you to feel so frustrated. 



I think that’s a great place to write down what those thoughts were that you were having. You know I was thinking this isn’t fair. I’ve worked so hard today. This shouldn’t be happening. Why is this happening? This isn’t right. And as soon as I say those things out loud, of course I feel frustrated. I totally understand where that comes from. So when you write those things out, you’re going to be able to start to go aha, this is what I’m thinking and that is going to then allow us to reframe it, to consider. Is there another way for me to look at this. I can’t think of a more important place to do this than when you’re dealing with your children. Why is this child melting down? I don’t have time for this. We have got to be at this place. And they’re not getting in their car seat and I’m chasing them around the car if you’ve ever had that happen or in the car, which is even worse, right, you’re trying to get in the back seat and grab them and get them there and trying not to be too harsh and it’s like, ah, why is this going on? And I think to be able to say is there another way to look at this? Rather than you are doing this on purpose and my day is being ruined, you’re ruining my day To be able to say, okay, this is a kid thing, this is something I can handle, this is something that we’re going to work on. 



I was talking to my daughter just the other day and she was telling me how much progress she felt she had made in her own development of patience and understanding, and she gave this example of her putting her two-year-old into the car and the whole car seat thing, because her little two-year-old right now is so intent on getting in her car seat herself and of course this takes a really long time. She has a hard time crawling into the car and then she has her own little way of going around the car seat instead of directly into it and she has to kind of shimmy herself up there and then she wants to do the buckle herself and when this doesn’t happen for her she gets really frustrated. And sometimes, you know, when my daughter’s in a hurry she’s feeling the pressure herself and she’s putting that pressure on that two-year-old and everything starts to get super frustrated for her daughter and for her. And she was just saying once she really understood that this was important to her little girl. She started to do something important. She started to make more time for getting into the car. She said we just plan on getting into the car and getting into car seats is going to be taking longer. And so when you say I’m gonna leave five minutes early because our process of getting into car seats, it’s not just like me jumping in the car and putting on my seatbelt it’s gonna take us longer. And of course there are times when you don’t have that time and you have to get in and the pressure is on and you’re gonna notice. Those are the times when you get frustrated. So one of the things for all of us if we can give ourselves more time, more space, expand that area where we are getting this thing done, so that the frustration level will go down. 



And kind of, in summary, what she told me was that she just notices, in general she doesn’t get as frustrated with her children because she’s really come to understand their developmental stages, what’s important to them and what they’re working on together as a family. And what she has done is shifted her expectations to her children’s developmental stage. And so now we have a match, and this is our job as parents. It’s not that we’re not supposed to have a dream or a goal of where we want our child to go and kind of encourage them to do it in a little bit easier or faster way, but the bottom line is that when our children are going through their developmental stages, they’re not going to move faster than their stage will allow. That’s just the reality. And so when we can start to match our expectations to the reality of what’s going on, our frustration is automatically going to go down. 



Okay, number six, let’s practice being in uncomfortable situations where we’re going to have high frustration and practice being mindful, practice preparing for that kind of frustration, so that we purposely get frustrated. And I know that sounds kind of awful, but when you’re choosing to put yourself in a frustrating situation, it actually isn’t as bad as it sounds because you’re choosing to do it, so it makes it a little easier and it almost makes it. It’s kind of gamifying it. So I think you know purposely saying I’m going to try a recipe that is going to be kind of hard and maybe it won’t work out and I might get a little frustrated, but that’s okay because I’m willing to try this and practice it. 



I think that this is really great for us to do with our kids, I think, talking to them just blatantly explaining what frustration, tolerance is, and saying, look, all of us are growing this ability, so let’s practice doing some things that are really hard that we might get really frustrated at, and let’s see how we handle it. And let’s practice ways we could handle it, can we breathe through it, can we laugh about it, can we think about it in another way, can we support each other. And this is something that will actually help us grow our ability to have a greater capacity to deal with things that are hard and frustrating. And if we’re going to practice being uncomfortable and getting frustrated so that we can be prepared for that, let’s also prepare by knowing how to calm our bodies down. Over time, it really helps us if we’ll do some mindful meditation every day, because what you’re doing is training your body ahead of time, before you have frustration, to be able to know how to calm your body down. And we can talk more about that. We’ve talked about that before and we can talk more about it how to do some mindful meditation every day and get that into your routine, because that’s going to protect you, that’s going to insulate you. 



And then, finally, let’s make sure we’re just listening to some of the needs that our frustration might be trying to tell us or communicate to us. Like sometimes we just need stuff like a little more sleep, someone to talk to, or for life to slow down a little bit. When I get really, really frustrated, I’m like I think I need something and I think it’s important for us to take a break every day from whatever we’re doing and do something that brings us joy or some calmness. And maybe you know we listen to some music or go for a walk and maybe do some yoga or anything that just fills you up a little bit, because all of this can help us reduce the general feelings of frustration in our life and just help us feel better. I know this is possible. I see it every day as women’s capacity to listen to themselves and work with themselves and all those feelings, their capacity it grows and our ability to forgive ourselves when we get frustrated and to forgive others’ frustration, and it helps us repair those relationships and to keep moving forward, because this is part of our human life and this is also part of what we can help ourselves with as we learn how to be more resilient. So thank you so much for this question and the chance that it gives me to clarify this concept and I hope it’s helpful to you all and I look forward to talking to you guys next week. 



Take care the leadership parenting podcast is for general information purposes only. It is not therapy and should not take the place of meeting with a qualified mental health professional. The information on this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, illness or disease. It’s also not intended to be legal medical or therapeutic advice. Please consult your doctor or mental health professional for your individual circumstances. Thanks again and take care.

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