Episode 51: The Dark Side of Empathy

Episode 51: The Dark Side of Empathy

Empathy has the power to help us understand, connect, and feel some of the emotions that other people are feeling around us. This is a great skill to have, but it also has a little bit of a dark side. Today, we’re talking about how we can use empathy in a way...
Episode 50: The Power of Empathy

Episode 50: The Power of Empathy

The art of empathy is more than just a concept; it’s a practice that, when applied to our relationships, can transform the way we support our loved ones. We discuss the four attributes of empathy and how to implement them, particularly in moments of distress,...
Episode 47: Being Respectful to Our Children

Episode 47: Being Respectful to Our Children

Have you ever stopped to consider how your casual remarks could sculpt your child’s self-image? In to days episode we explore  how our words, especially those spoken within earshot of our little ones, can leave an indelible mark on their developing sense of...

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