Episode 3: Your True Identity

Episode 3: Your True Identity

If I were to ask you to tell me who you are, what would you say? Most of us introduce ourselves as:  A daughter, a wife, a mom, a sister… who can [xyz] …who does [xyz]… We label, quantify, qualify, compare and generally grasp at words to describe who...
Episode 2: Happy or Resilient?

Episode 2: Happy or Resilient?

In this episode, we dive into the difference between happiness and resilience and how understanding this distinction can change our lives for the better. As a therapist and a mom, I discuss the importance of building resilience for ourselves and our children. We...
Episode 1: The Leadership Journey

Episode 1: The Leadership Journey

  Welcome to the very first episode of the Leadership Parenting Podcast! Being a mom is unique calling- one that demands so much it can exhaust us and even threaten our individuality. It takes us to the deepest of lows and the height of joy. I know this because I...
Take a Quick Self Care Quiz

Take a Quick Self Care Quiz

Self Care is all about getting connected to your body and listening to what it needs! There are some basic building blocks of good self care, and once you know where you are winning and where you need to apply some extra attention, you will be well on your way to...

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