Mindset Matters!

Mindset Matters!

Ever wonder why some people get excited about a new challenge while others respond with fear and even dread? I have a friend who’s not bothered by failure, in fact, she almost looks forward to it. She’s the one I talk to when I have a new idea that scares...
Self Talk

Self Talk

“…for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Shakespeare What is Self-Talk? Whether you notice it or not, there is always some kind of conversation going on inside your head. Some people call these conversations mind chatter or dialogues. At...
Self Protection

Self Protection

In our world, we face dangers on a daily basis. Some are external and life-threatening such as fire, floods, financial loss, physical assault, loss of loved ones, etc. These are obvious stressors that require all of our attention and focus. Life literally stops when...
Self Care

Self Care

What is self-care? Self-care is what people do for themselves to achieve and maintain a level of optimal health, well-being, and happiness.  The Self Care pillar focuses on taking excellent care of your physical body.  But wait! You’ve heard this before and if you’re...

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