by Leigh Germann, LCSW | Jun 1, 2018 | Self Care
Think for a moment about a good parent. A good parent knows how to nurture, praise and shower their child with unconditional acceptance and love. They take great care to make sure their kids are well-fed, make sure they get enough sleep and protect them from anything...
by Leigh Germann, LCSW | Jun 1, 2018 | Self Care
“Let her sleep- for when she awakes, she will move mountains.” If there was a one size fits all recommendation I could give to all my clients, regardless of the reason they are seeking therapy, it would be to increase and improve their sleep. I truly believe a...
by Leigh Germann, LCSW | May 30, 2018 | Self Awareness
Have you ever felt that miserable knot of resentment in your stomach when it’s time to take care of someone? I have. It’s an awful feeling. It goes something like this: “Why am I always the one who has to… clean up after the kids… do the bills… get up with the baby?”...
by Leigh Germann, LCSW | May 30, 2018 | Self Care
Once you’re a mom, it seems your life revolves around other people’s sleep schedules. I emphasize others because sadly, most of us get left off the list when it comes to getting enough sleep. We all know what happens when our child is overtired, but we can get as...
by Leigh Germann, LCSW | May 27, 2018 | Self Protection
Ever feel like you’re doing it all alone and you’re about to go under? Being a mom is one of those full-time jobs that truly can’t be done alone. There is always more to do than time to do it. And often, your best efforts to meet everyone’s needs fall short...