Welcome to the Leadership Parenting™ Podcast

Learn how to take care of you – so you can take care of your kids!

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Click the episode tiles below to see show notes and transcripts.

Episode 36: Take Back Your Happiness

Episode 36: Take Back Your Happiness

Do people really have the power to make us miserable? In today's episode, we look at  the impact expectations have  in our relationships and how our preconceived scripts of how others should behave can lead to disappointment and feelings of being out of control. We...

Episode 34: How to Lower Your Holiday Stress

Episode 34: How to Lower Your Holiday Stress

How do you feel when you look at the calendar and see that the holidays are right around the corner All of the excitement, all of the expectations, the swirl, the pressure.  Do you feel the burden of creating the perfect holiday experience each year? Does the stress...

Episode 31: Boundaries – How to Say YES!

Episode 31: Boundaries – How to Say YES!

Have you ever been trapped in a cycle of saying 'yes' to everything and putting your own needs on the back burner? We've all been there. This episode is all about setting boundaries around how we use our time and energy. Listen in as we explore how to navigate...

Episode 30: Your Emotional Power

Episode 30: Your Emotional Power

We've all felt frustrated, withdrawn, and powerless at some point when our expectations aren't met. And this can really affect our relationships and bring us down into depression or ramp us up into anxiety. However, the truth is that our feelings are a result of how...

Episode 29: Tips for Handling Tantrums

Episode 29: Tips for Handling Tantrums

Join us for a journey into the world of emotional regulation in parenting as we tackle the common challenge of tantrums and meltdowns in our kids. Listen in as we share practical strategies for managing your child's emotional dysregulation, emphasizing the need to...

Episode 26: Introvert and Extrovert Parenting

Episode 26: Introvert and Extrovert Parenting

Have you ever felt misunderstood or struggled to connect with your kids?  In today's episode, we take a look into the concepts of introversion and extroversion to gain a better understanding of ourselves and our kids. We examine the different ways in which introverts...

Episode 25: There Is Nothing Wrong With You

Episode 25: There Is Nothing Wrong With You

Are you weary of the pervasive thought that something is fundamentally wrong with you? Rest assured; you're not alone. It's time to challenge that mindset and embrace your inherent wholeness. In today's episode, we journey through a world where resilience and...

Episode 24: How to Get Better Sleep

Episode 24: How to Get Better Sleep

Ever thought about the role sleep plays in your life? Spoiler alert – it's massive! It's time to establish sleep as a bona fide wellness superhero. From fighting infections to emotional healing, sleep is your ultimate sidekick. Even more intriguing, sleep can act as...

Episode 23: Building a Growth Mindset

Episode 23: Building a Growth Mindset

Can a simple shift in perspective truly reshape our lives and redefine our potential? Buckle up, because that's what we're about to unpack in our enlightening conversation about the transformative power of a growth mindset. Together, we'll navigate the intriguing...

Episode 21: The 4 Pillars of Self Care

Episode 21: The 4 Pillars of Self Care

Ever feel like you're constantly running on empty? You're not alone. Most of us try to be the best version of ourselves we can be- but often find ourselves getting undermined by our body’s exhaustion. This episode introduces the four core pillars of wellness: Sleep,...

Episode 19: How to Soothe Your Inner Critic

Episode 19: How to Soothe Your Inner Critic

Do you ever feel like your harshest critic is the person staring back at you in the mirror? We all have an inner critic lurking within us. Join me, as we uncover the complex inner workings of the harshest critic we all face - ourselves. In this episode, we shine a...

Episode 18: How to Connect with your Kids

Episode 18: How to Connect with your Kids

Have you ever wondered why connection is so important for our kids and how the heck we’re supposed to connect when time is in such short supply? In this Q/A episode, I answer some of these questions from listeners and discover how small connections can make a...

Episode 17: How To Be Friends With Your Body

Episode 17: How To Be Friends With Your Body

Do you ever push your body to its limits, ignoring the signals it sends you? Well, it's time for a shift in perspective. This episode is all about recognizing our bodies as allies in our journey, not enemies. It's about fostering a healthier relationship with our...

Episode 36: Take Back Your Happiness

Episode 36: Take Back Your Happiness

Do people really have the power to make us miserable? In today's episode, we look at  the impact expectations have  in our relationships and how our preconceived scripts of how others should behave can lead to disappointment and feelings of being out of control. We...

Episode 34: How to Lower Your Holiday Stress

Episode 34: How to Lower Your Holiday Stress

How do you feel when you look at the calendar and see that the holidays are right around the corner All of the excitement, all of the expectations, the swirl, the pressure.  Do you feel the burden of creating the perfect holiday experience each year? Does the stress...

Episode 31: Boundaries – How to Say YES!

Episode 31: Boundaries – How to Say YES!

Have you ever been trapped in a cycle of saying 'yes' to everything and putting your own needs on the back burner? We've all been there. This episode is all about setting boundaries around how we use our time and energy. Listen in as we explore how to navigate...

Episode 30: Your Emotional Power

Episode 30: Your Emotional Power

We've all felt frustrated, withdrawn, and powerless at some point when our expectations aren't met. And this can really affect our relationships and bring us down into depression or ramp us up into anxiety. However, the truth is that our feelings are a result of how...

Episode 29: Tips for Handling Tantrums

Episode 29: Tips for Handling Tantrums

Join us for a journey into the world of emotional regulation in parenting as we tackle the common challenge of tantrums and meltdowns in our kids. Listen in as we share practical strategies for managing your child's emotional dysregulation, emphasizing the need to...

Episode 26: Introvert and Extrovert Parenting

Episode 26: Introvert and Extrovert Parenting

Have you ever felt misunderstood or struggled to connect with your kids?  In today's episode, we take a look into the concepts of introversion and extroversion to gain a better understanding of ourselves and our kids. We examine the different ways in which introverts...

Episode 25: There Is Nothing Wrong With You

Episode 25: There Is Nothing Wrong With You

Are you weary of the pervasive thought that something is fundamentally wrong with you? Rest assured; you're not alone. It's time to challenge that mindset and embrace your inherent wholeness. In today's episode, we journey through a world where resilience and...

Episode 24: How to Get Better Sleep

Episode 24: How to Get Better Sleep

Ever thought about the role sleep plays in your life? Spoiler alert – it's massive! It's time to establish sleep as a bona fide wellness superhero. From fighting infections to emotional healing, sleep is your ultimate sidekick. Even more intriguing, sleep can act as...

Episode 23: Building a Growth Mindset

Episode 23: Building a Growth Mindset

Can a simple shift in perspective truly reshape our lives and redefine our potential? Buckle up, because that's what we're about to unpack in our enlightening conversation about the transformative power of a growth mindset. Together, we'll navigate the intriguing...

Episode 21: The 4 Pillars of Self Care

Episode 21: The 4 Pillars of Self Care

Ever feel like you're constantly running on empty? You're not alone. Most of us try to be the best version of ourselves we can be- but often find ourselves getting undermined by our body’s exhaustion. This episode introduces the four core pillars of wellness: Sleep,...

Episode 19: How to Soothe Your Inner Critic

Episode 19: How to Soothe Your Inner Critic

Do you ever feel like your harshest critic is the person staring back at you in the mirror? We all have an inner critic lurking within us. Join me, as we uncover the complex inner workings of the harshest critic we all face - ourselves. In this episode, we shine a...

Episode 18: How to Connect with your Kids

Episode 18: How to Connect with your Kids

Have you ever wondered why connection is so important for our kids and how the heck we’re supposed to connect when time is in such short supply? In this Q/A episode, I answer some of these questions from listeners and discover how small connections can make a...

Episode 17: How To Be Friends With Your Body

Episode 17: How To Be Friends With Your Body

Do you ever push your body to its limits, ignoring the signals it sends you? Well, it's time for a shift in perspective. This episode is all about recognizing our bodies as allies in our journey, not enemies. It's about fostering a healthier relationship with our...

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